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BMDS 3370 -Midterm Examination Part 4

by | Dec 1, 2023 | Posted Questions

Midterm Examination Part 4
Dr. K. Lehenbauer, BMDS 3370 Fall 1 2017
The following problems need to be solved at home. I am assuming that you understand that these are
open-book open-note, etc. since you are not being timed or supervised to solve these. You are welcome
to solve these using MS Excel or by hand.
Remember to upload this portion as an attachment to the Assignment Tab in BlackBoard before 11:59PM
on 09/17/2017. All work is expected to be done by yourself and late submissions are not acceptable.
This portion of the test is worth 30 points, and each of the following 2 questions are worth 15 points EACH.
Take your time, plan ahead, and start working on these problems to give yourself the time to get the best
score possible for this attempt!
1. Employees of a local university have been classified according to gender and job type.
Male (M) Female (F)
Faculty Member (FA)
Salaried Staff (SS)
Hourly Staff (HS)
Calculate the following: (1.5 points each)
1) Complete the contingency table using Totals for rows and columns above.
2) If an employee is selected at random, what is the probability that the employee is male?
3) If an employee is selected at random, what is the probability that the employee is male
and salaried staff?
4) If an employee is selected at random, what is the probability that the employee is female,
given that the employee is a salaried member of the staff?
5) If an employee is selected at random, what is the probability that the employee is female
or works as a member of the faculty?
6) If an employee is selected at random, what is the probability that the employee is female
or works as an hourly staff member?
7) If an employee is selected at random, what is the probability that the employee is a
member of the faculty?
8) If an employee is selected at random, what is the probability that the employee is a
member of the hourly staff, given that the employee is female?
9) Are gender and type of job mutually exclusive?
10) Are gender and type of job statistically independent? 2. Suppose the probability that an individual has a particular medical condition is 0.10. Tests of an
individual’s DNA can determine whether they have this medical condition but with only an 85
percent accuracy rate (that is, if the condition is present, the probability that the DNA test will
give a positive finding is 0.85). If the medical condition is not present, the probability of the DNA test saying the medical condition exists is 0.03. What is the probability that the medical condition
is present if the DNA test comes back positive?

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