1) What is the fundamental molecular species that tandem mass
spectrometry measures?
a) Tryptic peptide
b) An intact protein
C) Constituent amino acids
d) Protein fragments
2) Restriction enzymes cleave DNA whenever their binding
sequences, such as GATC, are recognized. The protein analogue is
referred to as an endoprotease, of which trypsin is an example.
What does trypsin recognize?
a) A series of 4 or 6 amino acids
b) It cleaves proteins every 8 amino acids
c) It’s recognition element can be a single amino acid
3) What are valid reasons for studying proteomics? (Pick all
that apply.)
a) The close relationship between protein and phenotype
b) Proteins are the primary effector molecules, so their
abundance is more informative than that of RNA molecules
c) Proteins are the molecules that most drugs target
d) It’s the only way to study post-translational modifications,
which have important effects on function