A few years ago, the avian
influenza virus (H5N1) swept from Asia, across,
Russia, to Europe. Nigeria was the first African country to
report detection of the
virus in chickens. The phylogeny below depicts the relationships
between H5N1
from Nigeria and samples from other parts of Asia and Europe.
Samples from
Nigeria are labeled either as Lagos or northern Nigeria. Given
the phylogeny
below, what is the minimum number of times H5N1 was introduced
to Nigeria?
Chicken/Egypt 2006 A/Chicken/Nigeria.NIE/ 8.06l SO300-SO452 SO493-SO494 Turkey, mallard, swan/ Turkey, Italy, Czech 2005-2006 Swan/Iran 2006 Gull, duck/Qinghai, Jianxi 2005 Swan, duck/Astrakhan, Kurgan 2005 A/Chicken/Nigeria.NIE/ 10.06 /BA209-BA210-BA211 Chicken, turkey, goose, mallard/ Crimea, Suzdalka, Novosibirsk, Bavaria d 2005-2006 Chicken/Nigeria 2006 Swan, goose, chicken/ Mongolia, Iraq, Tula, Thailand 2006-2006 Southeast Asia 2005