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Question: A. If you use the techniques given by row, will you be able to answer the questions in the column…

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Posted Questions

a. If you use the techniques given by row, will you be able to
answer the questions in the columns. For this part of the
question, assume that your sample type is a liquid suspension of
poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(ethylene glycol).

Will it be able to…

For each of the techniques below, indicate:

Analyze a liquid sample?

Resolve between different MW of these polymers?

Qualitatively identify the presence of an –R
group specific to PEO vs. PEG?

Quantitatively identify the amount of PEO vs.




b. If you use the techniques given by row, will you be able to
answer the questions in the columns. For this part of the
question, assume that your sample type is a solid block copolymer
of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE, an amorphous material you know
as Teflon™) and poly(ethylene) (PE, a semicrystalline linear
polymer that is often used in packaging).

Will it be able to…

For each of the techniques below, indicate:

Analyze a solid sample?

Identify PE in this solid?

Identify PTFE in this solid?

Resolve between large sections of PE vs. PTFE?




c. If you use the techniques given by row, will you be able to
answer the questions in the columns. For this part of the
question, use the polymer poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). Assume
that the polymer is a thin film applied to a titanium implant to
enhance its biocompatibility.


Which technique(s) would you use to…

For each of the techniques below, indicate

…determine whether there are low MW impurities of your polymer
that might cause toxicity?

…determine whether there are trace contaminants such as chromium
that might cause toxicity?

…determine the relative thickness of the film (i.e., can Ti be
detected underneath, because the film is so thin?).

…qualitatively identify the presence of an –R
group unique to your polymer? (e.g., sulfone, carbonyl, etc.)




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