Is my answer correct or not?
2) In women, calcitonin levels decrease after menopause. A study
to examine this was done in 1989 by Reginster et. al. They found
the following results in pg/ml (do NOT use R): Before menopause: 86
104 74 86 86 50 83 71 119 83 After menopause: 42 25 51 72 Use a
Mann-Whitney U test. Use α = .02 (that’s not a typo). Do calcitonin
levels drop after menopause?
My answer: MWU test
Before menopause: 50 71 74 83 83 86 86 86 104 119
K2= 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3.33, 3.33, 3.33, 4, 5 (Total= 29.99 ~ 30) n2
After menopause: 25 51 42 72 K1 = 1,2,3,4
(Total= 10) n2= 4 Check K1+K2=n1*n2=40
H0: calcitonin levels do not drop after menopause
H1: calcitonin levels drop after menopause
α = 0.02 (two sided)
U*=k2= 30 U table = 30
Because U*=U table, we reject H0.
Therefore, calcitonin levels drop after menopause.
Thank you!