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SHEN MUSS-kyoo-lar Dess-trot-tee) myalgia (my-AL-Jee-ah) sprain In弩muscle,-awa Paua strain dys-bad,-Oop nourishment,-ystato] strength training CASE STUDY can’t be snowing again!” Isabel was so tired of shoveang snow, After several minutes of shovelng, tsabel stopped to take ou her andit was only the beginning of February at least 6 more weeks of coat. She was surprised to find she was sweating even though n winter to go. As she pushed the snow shovel across the driveway was below freezing. and tossed the snow onto an ever-growing mountain, she could feel her muscles begin to acha. 4. What was causing Isabel’s increased body temperatre? a. Contraction of cardiac muscle cells 1. By what process would Isabel’s muscles first get their anergy b. Her increased respirations for contraction? c. Contraction of skeletal muscle cells a. Anaerobic respiration d. Conversion of ATP to glucose b. Aerobic respiration 5, To pick up a heavier shoveltul of snow, tsabel wil recruit more C. Recruitment d. Breakdown of creatine phosphate a. motor units 2, what substance in her muscles may be causing the aching or b, myoglobin burning sensation? c. individual muscle libers a. Lactase d. myosin b. Glucose Tosolve a case study, you may have to refer to the glossary c. Lactic acid INT orindex, other chapters in this textbook, A&P Connect, and d. Glycogen other resources. 3, What protein molecules are interacting to allow Isabel’s muscles to contract? a. Myosin and troponin Actin and myosin C. Actin and tropomyosin d. Troponin and tropomyosin