(Maize Genetics):
1-Is the seed color in the maize controlled by one or two genes?
How can you tell?
2- Would you be able to differentiate between single and two
gene inheritance if you only counted 10 Kernels? Why or why
(Dihybrid cross in Maize):
1- Are the genes controlling maize seed shape and color linked
or unlinked?
2- complete this square? Additional info A= pruple B=round
a=yellow b=wrinkled
AB Ab aB ab
3-How could analysis of a dihbrid cross benefit a plant breeder
whi is trying to create maize lines that contain specific
combinantion of allelles?
4-based on the result, how many genes are controlling seed shape
(round Vs. wrinkled) in this population? How could you confirm
this? Additional info A= pruple B=round a=yellow b=wrinkled