Mr. Sprat ate dinner late, he slept soundly through the night
and awoke at nine the next morning. (12)
Given that he ate a protein rich meal, name a least two hormones
that would be stimulated by the products of protein digestion.
Gastrin , secretin, CCK < this was
my answer
What fuel source would have been required for continued and
appropriate neural and cardiac function during the night? (1)
Name four hormones that could stimulate these processes and
include the gland and cell type (or specific area) that makes each
hormone. (4)
Discuss how the action of these hormones could provide the
necessary fuel source. In your answer, use and define all terms
associated with the processes involved in provision of this fuel
and indicate where these processes occur. (6)
Two of the hormones listed in the answer above are controlled
through the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and also have permissive
actions. (10)
Define permissive action. (1)
the presence of one hormone is required in order for
another hormone to exert its full effects on a target
cell. < this was my answer
Compare and contrast the two hormones with this action
How the hypothalamus controls their release by indicating:
the substance(s) released by the hypothalamus (1)
the signaling pathway for the target cells in the pituitary
How hormones released from the pituitary signal their target
cells (2)
Any other hormones and their signaling pathways (on their target
tissues) as needed (2)