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Question: Observations-Paper Format: READ COMPLETELY Paper Format: OBSERVATION 1, 2 and 3 2 full pages mini…

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Posted Questions

Observations-Paper Format: READ COMPLETELY

Paper Format: OBSERVATION 1, 2 and 3

2 full pages minimum

Double spaced

size 12 font

1 inch margins all around

On the first page – a heading with all of the following info (if
this is not completed the paper will automatically lose 25 pts)

Your name

Which observation this is

The child’s name and brief description of the

The child’s age AND birthdate

The date of the observation

Part 1 and Part 2 must be clearly identified in your paper.

Part 1 – You must observe the infant or child
for at least 1 hour but this may be broken into multiple sessions
if needed. For each observation session list the date and time
frame of the observation. Include a short introduction where you
are, who you are observing, and what is happening around
you.  This should be no more than 3 or 4 sentences.







Where you are, who you are observing and what is
happening around you



Where you are, who you are with and what is
happening around you

Replicating this exact format is not necessary as long as
the required information is provided and easy to find and

Part 2 – your analysis of the child’s behavior.
Using the textbook and other course materials, interpret the
behavior you observed in light of what is described in the book for
a child of this age. I expect you to reference information in the
text or additional sources (make sure you cite you information).
Refer to your specific observations for details about what to
include. You may include concepts not listed if you see behavior
that fits them.  

Do not submit Part 1 and Part 2 as separate documents. Each
observation is one assignment so you will submit one document.

Make sure that Part 1 and Part 2 are clearly separated and

**You must retype each question you are addressing
before proving the answer**

The Basics

Children may be observed at home, at a park or playground, at a
child care center, or anywhere else. Students may observe their own
children if they fit the age requirements for the assignment.
Following each hour of observation, students will write a paper
detailing what the child did and said, and analyzing the child’s
actions based on information from the course. The specific content
to be covered in each observation paper is listed under each of the
observation assignments.

Observation #1

Infant under 12 months

Introduction: Purpose

The purpose of the observation is to demonstrate your gained
knowledge of the Infant period of development through application
of concepts during observations of a child. Each question answered
needs to provide evidence of your understanding.
You can observe the child as often as necessary to gain all of the
information needed to adequately answer each

Part 1 Each observation session

For each observation session list the date and time frame of the
observation, where you are, who you are observing, and what is
happening around you. Briefly give a description of the setting and
the child (if you provided this during the first session you do not
need to do this again). Each section should be no more than 3 or 4
sentences.  *See paper format for examples

A few tips……

You cannot observe a child while they are napping, watching TV
or playing video games! If the child chooses to engage in these
activities you must choose another time to observe.

Remember that the younger the infant the less alert time you
will have to work with. Observing an infant will give you the
ability to see many of the reflexes discussed in the text but you
might need to plan multiple observation sessions to gather enough
information to answer each question completely.

Using the information discussed in the text as well as the
provided supplemental information posted to blackboard answer the
questions below for twoobserved reflexes or
voluntary movements. You can work with the infant to produce the
reflex if needed.

Rooting reflex

Moro reflex

Grasping reflex




Describe the reflex as demonstrated by the infant during the

What would you expect a baby this age to do? Describe the reflex
as outlined in the text. (because this knowledge is
based on information in the text, this is where you will want
to cite from the text If you utilized information from another
source this must be cited also. Remember to discern between a
reflex and a voluntary movement)

Is the child developing typically? (what tells you this is
typical? Did you get the information from the text….. then make
sure to cite)

Using the motor development table provided in our text (figure
5.4) as a reference, describe both the gross motor and fine motor
development exhibited by the infant.(make sure you understand the
different between these two terms).

Is the infant’s motor development considered typical? Why or why
not? (because this knowledge is based on information
in the text or other supplemental information, this is where you
will want to cite where your information came from.)


The textbook discusses the early sensory capacities of the
infant. Describe at least two of these from the list below.(You
will probably need to set up an experiment to answer this question.
Make sure to carefully read the section in the text as well as the
supplemental information. Make sure you correctly understand the

Touch and Pain

Smell and Taste



Describe what you observed for each of the capacities you
observed. (remember you only need to choose two).

Is the ability appropriate for the infants age?

Has the infant developed object concept?

Describe the observation you made which provided this
information.   What is typical for a child this age?
(because this knowledge is based on information in the
text, this is where you will want to cite from the text. To gather
this information you might need to set up a

Using table 6.3 as a guide discusses the infant’s language
development? (Make sure you understand the difference between
these types of communication and apply the terms

Give specific examples of the child’s communication skills and
their comprehension. (These examples should come directly from
you observation, Do Not say “they didn’t do this here but I know
she……if you don’t get an example the first time you observe GO

What would you expect a baby this age to do? (because this
knowledge is
based on information in the text, this is
where you will want to cite from the text)

Is the child developing typically? (what tells you this is
typical, did you get the information from the text….. then make
sure to cite. Do not simply answer yes or no.)

Did you see examples of separation anxiety or stranger

What is considered typical for a child this age? ( remember
what the research says about the typical age infants develop these
concepts, this is a great opportunity to define these concepts to
help check your understanding of them)

Is the child developing typically? (what tells you this is
typical, did you get the information from the text….. then make
sure to cite)

Using the description discussed in the text as a guide identify
the baby’s temperament type. (Remember to use the correct
terminology used in the text book).

Provide and discuss specific examples from the child’s

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