Which of the following is completely oxidized(has no hydrogens
to donate to another molecule)? A)glucose B)glycogen C)fructose
D)saturated fats E)carbon dioxide
Which of the following can supply cells with the most energy per
gram of carbon? A)glucose B)glycogen C)fructose D)saturated fats
E)carbon dioxide
A yeast cell catabolizing glucose is transfered from an aerobic
environment to an anaerobic environment. Which of the following
adjustments could be made to allow the yeast cell to continue to
produce ATP at the same rate it did aerobically? A)provide a much
higher concentration of glucose in a buffered medium B)replace
glucose with fatty acids and provide more carbon dioxide C)replace
glucose with amino acids and provide more carbon dioxide D)replace
glucose with a mixture of ethanol, lactic acid and pyruvic acid
Where does glycolysis take place? A)outside of the cells(in the
body fluids) B)in the cytosol C)in the matrix of mitochondrion D)in
the inner membrane of the mitochondrion E)between the inner and
outer membrane of the mitochondrion
In human cells when oxygen is absent NADH is used to reduce
A)pyruvic acid to lactic acid B)lactic acid to pyruvic acid
C)pyruvic acid to carbon dioxide D)carbon dioxide to pyruvic acid
E)pyruvic acid to acetyl CoA