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Titles of the Affordable Care Act Obamacare, officially called the Patient Protection

by | Dec 1, 2023 | Posted Questions

Titles of the Affordable Care Act Obamacare, officially called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) but more often called the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is designed to reform the health insurance industry and the American health care system as a whole. The law contains over a thousand pages of provisions that give Americans more rights and protections and expanded access to affordable quality health care to tens of millions of under and uninsured.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law March 23rd, 2010 and upheld by a Supreme Court ruling on June 28, 2012. During the ruling the law was changed to allow states to opt-out of expanding access to Medicaid. This change in effect has left millions without health insurance.

The law, however, requires all Americans have health insurance by 2014, or pay a “penalty”, for each month without at least the minimum essential coverage. Although this shared responsibility provision is unofficially called an individual mandate, it was ruled to be in fact a tax and not a mandate by the June 28, 2012 Supreme court ruling.

The PPACA does not change the way insurance is obtained, you can still buy private insurance, get employer based insurance, or get insurance through a government program like Medicaid or Medicare and TriCare. The PPACA does add a new way to purchase insurance however. Insurance can now be purchased through state Health Insurance Marketplaces where shoppers (if qualified) can receive cost assistance and get comparisons of plans.

The ACA was signed into law to address the national health care crisis and to make insurance more affordable and available for the (previously identified) 44 million under and uninsured.

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Define and explain what each of the 10 PPACA Titles are designed for (see below).

The 10 Titles of the Affordable Care Act – The Affordable Care Act addresses the following topics in detail. Each topic is a title, which contains sections of provisions that reform our health care system. Please define in short essay format what each Title is designed to do.

  • Title I – Quality, affordable health care for all Americans
  • Title II – The role of public programs
  • Title III – Improving the quality and efficiency of health care
  • Title IV – Preventing chronic disease and improving public health
  • Title V – Health care workforce
  • Title VI – Transparency and program integrity
  • Title VII – Improving access to innovative medical therapies
  • Title VIII – Community living assistance services and supports
  • Title IX – Revenue provisions
  • Title X – Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act
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